flash « Jurgen Doom

Nikon D3x

25 March 2010 om 15:38 door Jürgen geplaatst in de categorie Camera,Commercial,Portrait

This post is to celebrate the arrival of my newest digital camera, the Nikon D3x.

After having photographed the last 2 years with a Nikon D3 camera – much to my satisfaction – I purchased its successor – the Nikon D3s – in December 2009.  The Nikon D3s has the same amount of pixels – 12 Mpix – as the D3, but performs even better in low-light situations than the Nikon D3.  Since I’m a versatile photographer, encountering many lighting conditions and having to shoot under extreme circumstances, the upgrade from D3 to D3s makes perfect sence.  In addition to these features, the Nikon D3s also has a sensor cleaning mechanism, which keeps your sensor fairly dust-free and it also boosts an HD video mode.

As a professional freelance photographer, based in Belgium (near Brussels), 12Mpix sometimes isn’t enough for the clients’ needs.  Although fantastically big prints have been made with files created by my Nikon D3 and Nikon D3s sometimes you just want some extra “air to breathe” ….

With the arrival of the Nikon D3x, I have complemented my lineup with a fantastic camera that is specifically designed for the demanding and versatile photographer who wants some extra “umpf” out of his digital files.  The Nikon D3x offers 24.5 Mpix, creating 27Mbyte RAW files (uncompressed, 14 bit) with an amazing range and tonality of colours and with a sharpness that is unheard of for DSLR’s.

In order to take the Nikon D3x for a test-drive, I dedicated my first shoot with my newly acquiered camera to my kids, Myrte and Johannes.  I took them outside for a quick portret shoot.  They were lit by 3 Nikon SB900 speedlights, one of which was softened through an eazy light softbox.  The two other flashes were aimed straight at them without any diffusion.  The images were post-processed in Lightroom2.  The shots were photographed in daylight, ISO100, 1/250, f/12 with a 85mm perspective control lens (Tilt/Shift lens).

Johannes during the Nikon D3x portrait session

Johannes during the Nikon D3x portrait session

Myrte during the D3x portret session

Myrte during the D3x portret session

Photography and pregnancy, a match made in heaven!

22 March 2010 om 12:00 door Jürgen geplaatst in de categorie Flashlight,Portrait,Studio

As a photographer, one of the most beautiful things to photograph is a pregnant womam.  Woman in itself are already beautiful (man too, but that’s a different story alltogether), but a pregnant woman is a pleasure to photograph and to look at.  Most of the times, when pregnancy goes well, these woman are so proud of their little bundle of joy inside their body, that they come accross on photographs in a self-confident way.

It wasn’t any different with this lady, who I photographed in her own house.  Photographing a belly on location, that is in the comfort and cosyness of someone’s own house, holds many advantages.  The pregnant lady doesn’t have to move herself towards a photo studio, but she can stay in a well-known environment, which ultimately helps to gain even more confidence to pose for photographs.  In order to explore the through possibilities of pregnancy photography, often people want photographs of the naked body (which, indeed, shows the changing outlines of the body very well). But as you will see in the photographs below, it doesn’t always have to be naked.

With the help of a black background, which I brought along, and a few of-camera reportage flashes (type Nikon SB900) I created different images.  In order to respect the privacy of everyone involved, I can only show a few images, but they serve to prove my point.  Woman are beautiful, pregnant woman are stunning!

Beautiful shape of a lady's torso.

Beautiful shape of a lady's torso.

Outline of the beautifully shaped belly

Outline of the beautifully shaped belly

Billboard photo

3 February 2010 om 15:23 door Jürgen geplaatst in de categorie Commercial,Flashlight,Portrait

Below is my first billboard-size photograph. It was commissioned by LUKoil.

Lukoil - billboard

Lukoil - billboard

The image was taken on a rainy and windy winter day, just before dawn. In order to get a vibrant photograph, I photographed the model with 2 speedlights (Nikon SB900). On of them was gelled with a full cut CTO gel.

The image was part of a series of images for the rebranding of LUKoil. Herewith the original image.

Lukoil - billboard

Lukoil - billboard

Het beeld werd gemaakt in opdracht van LUKoil, ongeveer een jaar geleden. Het was een typische sombere regenachtige winterdag, maar toch moesten we het beeld schieten. De bevallige jongedame had nog meegedaan aan misverkiezingen en wist nogal goed hoe zich te gedragen. De ambitieuze fotograaf had al meerdere shoots gedaan bij somber weer en wist hoe er toch wat kleur in te steken. LUKoil wist ten slotte het beeld mooi te vergroten en op “billboard” size affiches te verspreiden over ons land.

Bedrijfsfotografie – Corporate photography

27 November 2009 om 12:47 door Jürgen geplaatst in de categorie Commercial,Portrait

– English below – Bedrijfsfotografie voor een freelance fotograaf is zo belangrijk als bloem voor een bakker. Belangrijk dus, en interessant. Met mijn verleden als ingenieur vind ik het steevast interessant om in verschillende bedrijven te komen om te zien waar men zoal mee bezig is.

Het feit dat je dan bovendien in de meest moeilijke – lees: niet ideale – omstandigheden op heel korte termijn toch een goed en interessant beeld moet zien te maken, vergroot alleen maar de uitdaging.

Onderstaande serie beelden illustreren een beetje de gedachtengang – en opbouw – van een beeld. Met andere woorden, hoe een beeld tot stand kan komen.

De opdracht bestond erin om een foto te maken van een onderzoeker, zowel een portretje dat voor (en door) het magazine zou gedetoureerd worden alsook van het product waarmee de onderzoeker bezig is.

Het eerste deel, namelijk het portretje tegen een witte achtergrond, is een klassieker. Mbv 2 reportageflitsen, een paraplu en een paar Pocket Wizards kan je heel snel een foto maken tegen een witte muur, een deur, etc ….. zelfs in een lokaal dat hooguit een paar vierkante meter groot is (ok, ik overdrijf een beetje, maar het VOELT alsof het een paar vierkante meter groot is). Onderstaand portret werd gemaakt met een flits door een paraplu, links van de camera, en een flitslichtje tegen de witte deur. Dat lichtje doet ook dienst als “haarlichtje”. De deur wordt door het reclamebureau weg geknipt, zodat enkel het portret over blijft.

Hier de setup, met links bovenaan een stukje van de paraplu en rechts buiten beeld de tweede flits.

corporate photography, bedrijfs fotografie

corporate photography, bedrijfs fotografie

Met het portretje als resultaat.

portrait photographe, portret

portrait photographe, portret

Daarna moest een foto gemaakt worden van een uitvinding van deze man, en hij toonde me een foto op zijn computer waar – tegen een blauwe achtergrond – een gelijkaardig onderwerp gefotografeerd was. Hij vond evenwel dat zoiets waarschijnlijk niet mogelijk was om dat daar ter plaatse te doen (het beeld was inderdaad in een studio omgeving opgenomen) maar dat het gewoon als voorbeeld diende om een idee te geven van hoe zijn uitvinding in beeld kan gebracht worden.

De volgende 10 minuten hebben we dit uit onze camera geschud (alles in het zelfde kantoortje als waar het portret gemaakt werd):

a. zoek achtergrond (deur) en test even het camera standpunt ifv de achtergrond en onderwerp


b. verander de achtergrond de gewenste kleur (in dit geval blauw) en dit mbv een flits en blauwfilter


c. belicht je voorgrond en neem de foto van het onderwerp ….


verbaas de onderzoeker met een beeld dat merkwaardig sterk lijkt op het beeld dat hij op zijn scherm toonde …

Uiteindelijk heb ik nog een paar varianten op het thema gemaakt, zodat de designer en layouter van het magazine wat ruimte hadden om mee te spelen ….


zowel met als zonder blauwe achtergrond …. wat gewoon neerkomt op flitsje aan of uitschakelen.



et voila!

Altijd leuk als je iets kan bieden dat ze niet verwachten.

Corporate photography is an important aspect in photography for a freelance photographer. I always find it interesting to find out what people drive and what they do for a living. Maybe my engineering background has something to do with it.

Take, for instance, this researcher. I was comissioned to photograph a researcher in his office. The ad agency needed a straightforward portrait against a white backgroud, so he could easily be “clipped out”. Secondly, they wanted a photograph of the researcher with his invention.

For the portrait I used a white door and a two-light setup. Camera left a strobe through an umbrella, on camera right a separation/hair light.

For the product shot, I tried to accomodate him by emulating an example he had shown me on his computer, which was an image of a similar product, photographed against a blue background.

Not thinking I would be able to come even close to what he wanted, I set up a three-strobe lighting setup. One blue-gelled strobe lit up the background, while two other strobes where used to light the subject. The result was a series of photographs, taken in a timeframe of about 10 minutes, of the subject and his invention, with both blue and black backgrounds – which gives the designer extra room to play with.


18 May 2009 om 15:41 door Jürgen geplaatst in de categorie Commercial,Flashlight,Portrait,Uncategorized

For Linea Recta Media, a Dutch media agency specialised in corporate magazines (amongst other things) commissioned me to do a shoot of a girl who does salsa dancing.

The editor wanted a full length photograph of the girl dancing alone and dancing with a partner, with her face visible (or at least recognisable to the readers of the corporate magazine, in this case One! for Unilever Benelux).

In order to do so we met on a Sunday evening in “La Tentation“, a Brussels centre for dancecourses where we set up for the shoot. During the shoot, the salsa dance was in full swing, with litteraly thens of people dancing the night away.

As it was impossible to obtain the desired images with dancing people around my dancer, we had to move to a corner in the room.  Another problem is the fact that you cannot just photograph people and publisch them in a corporate magazine.  Should you want to do this, you would need a model release from everybody present in the room, which is practically impossible.

For the shoot I used two Nikon SB900 speedlights with a full CTO color filter, in order to balance for the avaible (warm) light in the room.  I also used a long lens (2.8 70-200mm VR ) and shot at high ISO levels in order to capture the ambient light.  My settings were ISO 3200, f/5.6 at 1/50sec.

Using the speedlights I was able to sculpture the lights on my model without altering the light on the background.  I used two stands to put on my flashlights and angled the at about 30° towards the dancer.  The lefthandside speedlight was about 1 stop brighter than the righthandside speedlight (in order to keep depth and dimension in the face).









Anyone for a dance?

Portrait photography – on location shoot with Myrte – part 3: flashlight

om 11:25 door Jürgen geplaatst in de categorie Flashlight,kids,Portrait

This is the last post of the shoot with Myrte on location (a field at midday in bright sunlight).

After having used flaslight to brighten up the shadow side of Myrte and to balance it against the harsh sunlight coming from the back, I wanted a few shots of her where the flashlight became the predominant light, hence underexposing the sunlight.  This would give a totally different feel to the image than what we saw in the previous posts.

In order to do so I had to set the flashlight to almost full power so that the flash could overpower the sun.  Using f/14 at 250 I dialed in an exposure setting into my camera that effectively would create an underexposed image, but the use of the flashlight added enough light on Myrte to get a correctly exposed image on her.

The result was about 1 usable photograph because Myrte got bored of being a model and wanted to enter her airy fairy princess world …..


Portrait Photography – on location shoot with Myrte – part 2: natural light with flash light

14 May 2009 om 12:26 door Jürgen geplaatst in de categorie Flashlight,kids,Portrait

In the previous post I explained how I photographed Myrte, a 6 year old girl, in a field on a bright sunny day.

After the initial shots without flash, I decided to use a flash (Nikon SB 900, triggerd with pocket wizards) to brighten up the shadow side of Myrte.  Since the sun was coming in from behind her (at left), I had to lighten up the right side of her face and body.  In order to do so, I choose to balance the light from my strobe (speedlight) against the sun so that the amount of flash added to Myrte would compensate for the loss of light on her shadow side.

This was done by adjusting the level of the speedlight.  It was aimed directly at Myrte (no use of any translucent material such as umbrella, ….).

The images were downloaded into Adobe Lightroom 2, where I adjusted the image to my liking (by boosting the blacks, exposure and by bringing back the saturation).



This next image was converted into black and white (with boosted highlights and blacks, in order to keep a balance in the image).


After about 10 minutes into the shoot, Myrte wanted to wear her “princess” dress.  So after a change of clothing we continued the shoot.  Notice the very light sky which, in effect, had a rather deep blue appearance.  But by overexposing a bit I rendered the sky lighter than it was in reality.


Finally we had some action going.  I asked Myrte to turn around a few times in order to get movement in her dress.  Due to the fact that I used a flashlight I was able to “stop” the action without getting blur in her face.


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