Cover photograph for Sporta Brochure: which one would you choose? Cover A or cover B? « Jurgen Doom

Cover photograph for Sporta Brochure: which one would you choose? Cover A or cover B?

15 September 2010 om 10:46 door Jürgen geplaatst in de categorie Commercial,Photography,Portrait

As a photographer, trying to satisfy the needs of your clients, it is sometimes a difficult exercise to meet your clients view with your own.  However, as a professional photographer, creating images that have a high impact, you want to deliver photographs that your clients can use and not only what you think your client should use.

During the assignment for Sporta – a centre that provides training facilities for all sorts of athletes in varying disciplines – I photographed many setups and situations, one of which we thought would be useful for the cover of the brochure.  But when it eventually came down to choosing the cover photograph, it proved to be more difficult than expected.

My opinion was fairly clear from the start on how I saw the cover photograph (but my opinion doesn’t count), but even the art-director’s opinion wasn’t 100% on par with the opinion of the board of directors.

Eventually, the art director came up with 2 versions of the cover, which are listed below.

Which one would you choose and why?  Cover A or Cover B?

Please leave your comments in the comment section …

Photo A

Suggestion A for the cover of the Sporta Centrum Brochure.

Suggestion A for the cover of the Sporta Centrum Brochure.

Cover B

Suggestion B for the cover of the Sporta Centrum Brochure.

Suggestion B for the cover of the Sporta Centrum Brochure.


  1. Hmmmmmmm 1 (al mag er wel een beetje meer kleur in hun gezicht zitten, die linkse ziet er redelijk ziek uit) Kvind da iets uitnodigender, leuker en kleurrijker past beter bij die balk.. On the other hand is die 2e wel vele origineler en als foto interessanter, maar kvind die net iets te donker om als coverfoto te dienen.
    But hey, that’s just me 🙂

    Comment by Jasminum — 15 September 2010 @ 11:46

  2. Cover B is een veel sterker beeld! Cover B doet mij goesting krijgen om mijn zoon bij BGL in te schrijven. Cover A doet mij eerder goesting krijgen om hem in te schrijven bij de scouts om te leren hoe hij een hudo moet bouwen voor dat meisje links in beeld die die wel kan gebruiken denk ik… 😉
    But hey that’s just me! You’re the artist here!

    Comment by peppie — 15 September 2010 @ 12:06

  3. Moeilijke keuze, hebben beiden hun voor- en nadelen…
    De eerste is wat braafjes en t kind links ziet er inderdaad doodziek uit – sporten is ongezond??? 🙂
    De tweede is wat donker, spijtig dat het echt bijna zwart is, donker groen of blauw had wel heel mooi kunnen zijn. Maar in heel die cover zit zoveel meer dynamiek, ook qua tekst-plaatsing! Is misschien wel wat beperkter omdat alleen basketball is afgebeeld…
    The choice is upto you

    Comment by neel — 15 September 2010 @ 13:45

  4. Zo zie je maar dat een art-director ook niet altijd het laatste woord heeft. 🙂
    Maar goed, het was een eerste ervaring die over het algemeen enorm is meegevallen. Mede dankzij Jürgen. Toch kriebelt het al om een volgend project te beginnen, al die eerste kleine foutjes weg te werken en gelijk te krijgen op alle vlakken! 🙂

    Comment by Jeroen — 15 September 2010 @ 19:50

  5. In geval ik nog niet te laat ben om mijn mening mee te delen, cover B !

    Comment by Katty — 19 September 2010 @ 22:28

  6. Defenitely A. Meer uitnodigender en passender bij het onderwerp sporta

    Comment by joeri — 22 September 2010 @ 13:08

  7. As a reader and an amateur photographer my choice would definitely be picture B: more interesting, more tension, nice lighting, less distraction from the background, sufficient dark areas / background to emphasize text and disconnect subject from background, more realistic and less posed (picture A :a tennis player in the woods?). Picture B looks as if it has been captured during a game, hence in my opinion it emphasises a lot better the inter-relationship between tension, physical activity and concentration required when practicìsing sports.
    Also picture B “reads” a lot better. With reading I mean looking from left to right, as we do in Western cultures. Picture B tells something about a game, is dynamic yet simple. With picture A I don’t get that feeling.

    Comment by Pascal — 25 September 2010 @ 08:18

  8. Out of curiosity, immediately after I wrote my comments I went to see the organisation’s website. It seems like they chose the pixcture I had expected them to choose when trying to appeal to the widest possible clientele. That doesn’t mean I don’t approve of their choice, there are only different opinions, that’s all.

    Comment by Pascal — 25 September 2010 @ 08:28

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